X-Ray Systems Lab

About Us

The X-ray Systems Lab aims at developing novel biomedical imaging technologies for biomedical and bioscientific discovery, radiological diagnosis, and medical intervention. Directed by Dr. Guohua Cao, the lab focuses at novel X-ray sources, detectors, signal processing, image reconstruction algorithms, as well as systems engineering. Our research activities are interdisciplinary and translational, and interface between basic sciences, translational development, and clinical applications. [Read more...]

Research Highlight

What's New

  • We landed on two NSF grants on improving the accuracy, speed, and availability of COVID-19 testing with CT imaging. Link to the news (07/2020)
  • "Best Paper Award" for our paper entitled "X-ray Fluorescence Molecular Imaging with Improved Sensitivity for Biomedical Applications" in 20th International Conf. on Medical and Biomedical Engineering. (07/2018)
  • Dr. Cao is named the Innovator of the Month. Link to the news (06/2016)
  • Dr. Cao won the prestigious NSF CAREER Award! Link to the news (8/2014)
  • [More news...]